Believers Taking Action

Christian Warriors

In our world today, we are flooded with stories of pain and suffering. But there are Christian Warriors among us who truly live out the Christian mission to love and serve others. Our desire is to share these stories to encourage other believers in their faith and, hopefully, into action.

Okongo and Wife

Organization: Unite 4 Africa

Action: Leadership training and medical missionary work


Dr. Okongo Sampson is the Founder and the President of Unite 4 Africa.

His ministry and servant leadership has saved thousands around the world and has taken him to places where he trained leaders and conducted medical missionary work. He has traveled to over 50 countries training ministries and helping to develop church leadership; particularly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

Do You Know Someone Who Goes Above and Beyond to Serve Others?

Featured Christian Warriors

Everyday Christian warriors in our nation take ACTION to make our world better, to help
their fellow man, to teach the word, to care for the sick and feed the hungry – And to do so in the name of Jesus Christ.  This Christian example is why our nation leads. Each of us can be a Christian warrior in our community.

To nominate a Warrior, please click here.

Greg and Pam Ayers

Greg and Pam Ayers

Greg and Pam Ayers are the Founders of GAP Ministries in Tucson, Arizona and the President and Executive Director, respectively. Greg and Pam Ayers were faced with a life altering decision. After the loss of two very close relationships they asked God for a clearer...

Lisa Hansen

Lisa Hansen

Lisa Hansen is the Educational Director at Sold No More in Tucson, Arizona and the author of the Power Over Predators curriculum. Lisa ran away at the age of 14, ending up a victim of sex trafficking, which inspired a lifelong dedication to helping the next generation...

Mark Harris

Mark Harris

Mark Harris has worn many hats in his life. Financial Consultant, Pastor, Church Planter, businessman, husband, father.  In 2010 Harris changed hats once more and founded 4Tucson to serve as a catalyst to mobilize the Body of Christ in 4Tucson to help...

Dr. Okongo Samson

Dr. Okongo Samson

Okongo Samson is the Founder and the President of Unite 4 Africa. He was born in Kenya, where he finished his early education and became a follower of Christ at the age of 14. He went to Medical College in Nairobi and furthered his studies at Queen’s University...