Looking for financial information, including annual returns?

Request Financials

To demonstrate our commitment to transparency and to adhere to IRS rules for tax-exempt nonprofit organizations, interested parties may request a copy of our three most recently filed annual information returns (IRS Form 990), a copy of our original application for tax-exemption (IRS Form 1023) and a copy of our IRS Determination letter confirming our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status.

If you would like to request in writing please see information below. Please note that if requesting hard copies of the requested financials to be mailed back to you there is a $5 flat fee to cover the cost of the copies and the shipping, including delivery confirmation. The fee must be sent with the written request in order for us to fulfill your request. Check, money order, cashier’s check are all acceptable forms of payment. Please make sure to also include your full name, address and phone number. 

Please note that all requests will be answered within 30 days.


attn: Financials request

12450 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd., Suite 120

Oro Valley, AZ, 85755

Please note in your correspondence what document(s) you are requesting.


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