| Written by Corine Gatti-Santillo | Image: Facebook, Blake and Sarah Thomas

Blake and Sarah Thomas are adopting a baby after they posted a caption under their picture on Facebook: “Don’t abort your baby! We will adopt! Please contact us if you’d be open to adoption as an option! #adoptionislife. We will adopt from any state. Please do not hesitate to contact us!” Their post went viral with over 17,000 shares, 48,000 reactions and 108 comments as of Oct. 28.

Another adventure was beginning. They accepted one mother’s request to adopt her baby. “It has been a whirlwind of a week and we are still processing all of it. We are so grateful to God for all of these babies’ lives and their mothers, and we feel so privileged and honored to be parents again in approximately 7 months! Please be in prayer for us as we move forward with the adoption process and pray for God’s blessing and provision!”

New York’s “Reproductive Health Act” was signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Jan. 22 creating an uproar. Now, late-term abortions are legal at any stage during pregnancy. The Empire State eulogized the legislation of the signed Reproductive Health Act by lighting up the One World Trade Center. Colorado, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia and Washington D.C. either proposed or already authorized genocide in their respective states.

Outrage among pro-life advocates brewed across the nation. However, good new resulted. Couples urged people via social media to choose adoption instead of abortion.

As reported by The Western Journal, Blake and Sarah were flooded with requests by mothers needing guidance. The Virginia couple updated followers on Oct. 2019 to thank everyone who expressed an interest in helping these women. “At this time, we are no longer receiving messages and the women who contacted us have been referred to Pregnancy Resource Centers or adoption agencies. Thank you!”

Many mothers decided to raise their babies or put their babies up for adoption rather than exploring abortion as the result.

The Hard Truth

An estimated 41 million abortions were performed worldwide in 2018, making it the leading cause of death above cancer. Sarah Quale President of Personhood Alliance Education said in an interview with BTA that abortion is a heart issue. “We need to engage communities of why abortion is happening. We have to address the root. We have to share Jesus to people who are broken and that is so important…”

Blake and Sarah shared a quote from Psalm 139:13-14 about the importance of life. “For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.”



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