[ Written by Sally Moore ]

Many long years ago while attending Baylor University, my brother John and several of his friends formed a band called Trinity. They cut one lonely record by the same name. Though they never hit the big time they were and are incredibly talented lyricists and musicians. Most of the songs on the album were wonderful originals each cut better than the next.  However, one of my favorites was a cover of a funny, old Roy Acuff song.  It had a great tune and the message still strikes a true chord. This song made a lasting impression on me when I was in high school.

I have been encountering a few of life’s potholes lately which made me think of this song.

Automobile of Life

Some people are just like an automobile
They’ll run fine when everything is right
When the roads are all clear and the weather is fine
And there’s plenty of sunshine and light

But often they come to a wash out
And then get stuck and have to detour
Maybe a break in the casting will prove
They never were built to endure

Get plenty of water and plenty of oil
And the best gasoline you can find
Have the engine tuned up and look out for your breaks
You’ll have some hard places to climb

Look out for the tires for the blowouts will come
On a dangerous curve deep and neigh
But if you’ll let Jesus take hold of the wheel
You’ll make it to heaven on high

Some autos are painted and polished so bright
They sell for more than they are worth
And some people think their profession
Will do stop short of the bibles new birth

Just start up your engine and then
You can tell if the thing is hitting on six
For if you depend on the looks of the car
You’ll be in a terrible fix

Now all our professions of powder and paint
Though lovely upon the outside
Won’t answer to God for He looks on the heart
It matters not how hard we’ve tried

So if you are stuck in the quicksand of sin
And wondering and floundering about
Just let God’s great engine of glory and grace
With a cable of love pull you out

Get plenty of water and plenty of oil
And the best gasoline you can find
Have the engine tuned up and look out for your breaks
You’ll have some hard places to climb

Look out for the tires for the blowouts will come
On a dangerous curve deep and neigh
But if you’ll let Jesus take hold of the wheel
You’ll make it to heaven on high!

By Country legend, Roy Acuff

Life is like that. Inevitably we all get turned around, lost or stall out at the least opportune moment.  Everyone is going to hit some monumental potholes and throw their front end out of alignment.  Sooner or later, each of us is going to make a decision to drive in dicey weather and slide right off the road and land in a metaphorical ditch or crunch dramatically into someone else’s metaphorical bumper.

I’ll drive Roy Acuff’s idea a little bit further.  No matter how long we have been a Believer or how mature we are in our faith, life happens.  Satan will try to drive us into a brick wall or off the bridge- every time! He isn’t bothered by the folks NOT living for Jesus.  They are absolutely no threat or bother to his raggedy goals!  However, if you are driving for Jesus you can expect ol’ Red to take notice!

For that reason we must keep oil in our engine. The Holy Spirit is the lubricant that keeps it running smoothly.  Without Him we will burn our engine up trying to run it on our own puny efforts. That’s exhausting and it does not work.

We have to put water in the radiator and pump gas regularly into the tank.  That’s the Word of God.  Get deep and stay deep in the Word.  Keep pumping that Holy Spirit blend of Truth along with it.  If not,

No matter whether your “vehicle” is plain or fancy, old or brand new- without the GO Juice it’s not going to get out of the driveway!

If you drive with the window down–one of these days a bee or two or three is going to fly in and scare everyone senseless and maybe sting you!  Be ready to pull over and smack some bees!  You have that authority, so use it!

I will venture to say if you drive often enough, you WILL slop coffee all over the seat -and yourself! Sooner or later, your kid, or somebody else’s, is going to get carsick and barf in your backseat. The Christian life is not perfect, nor is it stain free!

Clean it up and keep driving on!

We were never promised a trouble free life. But we were given the kingdom authority to deal with it. So quit whining and DEAL WITH IT in the name of Jesus!  Keep your windows up, add more empowering oil of the Holy Spirit, top off your tank and keep driving forward in His service!

Replace your windshield when it gets cracked so you can see clearly.  Be willing to lighten the load for better mileage and get all the ungodly friends, behavior and habits out of your trunk. Jesus forgave you when you didn’t deserve it.  Make sure that you do the same: Forgive folks, don’t hang on to bitterness and anger and stupid stuff like resentment: it’s dangerous and will rust holes in important things…leaving you stranded on the side of the road.

This road of Christian life is a long journey.  We are to learn as we study the roadmap and by doing and driving.

Some of our road trips will be successful and some will be better forgotten!  But we are called to GO! We are commissioned to GO- Preach-spread the good news, heal the sick, cast out the demonic! The whole package.  Keep moving! Keep learning, Keep driving your Automobile of Life down which ever road you have been sent.

If you lose your way or hit a dead end, a deer or a detour don’t give up or get discouraged. Flat tires and fan belts are fixable. Don’t allow the unexpected, tragic or disappointments bog you down or get you stuck forever. Rejoice no matter what!  Call a tow truck, fix the flat, let God buff out the scrapes and repair the body damage–PRAY for wisdom.

Learn those lessons from your slipping and sliding, and bee-smacking then get back out there on the road again!