by Blessings Through Action | May 27, 2020 | Christian National News
Listening to the discussion surrounding the reopening of churches, Steve Bezner could see much of it revolved around a dichotomy of faith versus fear. As Bezner, pastor of Houston Northwest Church, and other church leaders studied the issue from a variety of angles,...
by Blessings Through Action | May 8, 2020 | Christian National News
Pornography sites are reporting record visits as the Coronavirus leaves people isolated in their homes. If the church wants to resist this evil, it can’t just fight lust; it has to address the crisis of loneliness. According to a recent article in Psychology Today,...
by Blessings Through Action | Feb 4, 2020 | Christian National News
According to a Barna study, six in 10 churchgoing Christian parents say children’s programming is critical when choosing a congregation. The research is part of another open-ended study, “Guiding Children to Discover the Bible, Navigate Technology & Follow Jesus.”...
by Blessings Through Action | Jan 23, 2020 | Christian National News
How can a church drop members because of their age? Sounds pretty far-fetched. For members of one congregation, it became a chilling reality. A Minnesota church told members 60-years-old and over to worship elsewhere so they can focus on bringing in younger families....
by Blessings Through Action | Jan 20, 2020 | Christian National News
Opioid addiction remains at crisis levels in the United States, and churches are faced with the challenge of serving those affected by the addiction epidemic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), increased use of opioid medications like...